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Illinois State-Wide Resources

The Arc of Illinois

The Arc of Illinois advocates for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, families and community organizations to ensure that people with disabilities can live, work, learn, and play in communities across the state.

The Arc offers resources and information, supports families in their individual advocacy efforts and trains and educates people with disabilities, families and professionals among other things.


Here are some important resources The Arc of Illinois offers:

Family to Family Health Information Center

Family Support Network

Assistive Technology Fund

Going Home Coalition

The Going Home Coalition is a diverse statewide network of self-advocates, families, community service providers and allies. They purposefully advocate to create systems change, transition away from institutional living through increasing community capacity, and empower fair and equal choices and opportunities for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. 

Illinois Crisis Prevention Network

Illinois Crisis Prevention Network (ICPN) is a collaborative partnership between Trinity Services and Hope, grant funded by Illinois Department of Human Services – Division of Developmental Disabilities (DHS-DDD). ICPN – Support Services Teams (SST) provide assistance on a statewide basis. Referrals to ICPN are generated by DHS-DDD to support people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, many of whom are dually diagnosed with a mental illness, who are experiencing complex behavioral or medical challenges. ICPN provides community-based services and supports to the children and adults who are referred, as well as their families, provider agencies, schools, places of employment, and community day service programs.

Service, Inc. (Northern Illinois)

Service, Inc. of Illinois is dedicated to helping people with developmental delays and disabilities find the services and supports they need to live a better life. Service, Inc. provides support to families and individuals with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities or delays in 17 different counties in Northern Illinois. All of their services are provided under a contract with the State of Illinois and our service coordination and advocacy services are free of charge to those that they serve.