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Life Skills

Life Skills Trainings are back! These trainings are designed for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to increase knowledge and skills necessary for everyday living.

All classes are from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. at The Arc located at 2820 McFarland Rd. Rockford, IL 61107.

Classes MUST be registered for prior to class start date with payment. Spots will be limited for each course. If a course reaches capacity, a waiting list will be formed.

Contact William Renz at or 815-965-3455 to learn about scheduling and to sign up!


Healthy Relationships: (Cost $100)

Initiating and maintaining friendships and dating relationships is a skill which requires practice.  It doesn’t just come naturally for anyone, as much as some people seem to have the gift of gab.  We will discuss building positive relationships; including boundaries, communication strategies, safety, consent, and conflict resolution. 


Health and Wellness: (Cost $100)

The most important voice in your health is yours.  We will discuss taking charge of your overall health; including self-advocacy at doctor’s appointments, healthy eating, getting in shape, and emotional health.  No nagging lectures about diet and exercise will occur, we promise!


Emotional Regulation: (Cost $100)

Everyone experiences some levels of anxiety, depression, frustration, anger, and fear; among other emotions we don’t enjoy.  The trick is to manage/cope with those feelings, rather than letting them have their way with us.  We will discuss how to maintain good relationships with others and self-empowerment.


Employment Skills: FREE

Finding a job is not always a comfortable experience.  It helps to develop skills related to finding the right job for you, creating a resume, obtaining references, networking, filling out applications, interviewing, locating assistance/resources, knowing your workplace rights, and keeping your job with appropriate workplace behavior.


Social Media Safety Skills: (Cost $100)

Social Media helps people connect, but there are some not-so-nice people out there, who could take advantage of us, if we are not paying attention.  This is an interactive course exploring different types of social media.  We will discuss how connecting virtually works for us, as well as the dangers lurking within.  We will discuss the do’s and don’ts of using social media, online dating and protecting your privacy. The course closes in self-reflection of our use and need for social media and planning obtainable goals for the future.


Life Skills Staff

William Renz

815-965-3455 ext. 124